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Go Murphy!
Murphy, Texas (Dec 10, 2009) -
The City of Murphy would like to extend a big thank you to our community. With over 1000 friends and families in attendance at the December 3 Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Event, the outpouring of kindness shone through.
Attendees were asked to bring and donate a new unwrapped toy benefiting the Collin County Children's Advocacy Center. The amount of toys donated that night exceeded all expectations and once again proved the strong sense of community in Murphy and coming together when neighbors are in need.
On Friday, December 4, staff delivered a truck load overflowing with generous toy donations from the citizens of Murphy. With excitement, hundreds of toys were unloaded at CCCAC and are on their way to children in need this holiday season.
"The children served by Collin County Children's Advocacy Center (CCCAC) need our help year round, but when it comes to the holidays, we work hard to do what we can to make it special for the kids," says Vanessa Gill, Holiday Project Coordinator of CCCAC. "We have many children who would otherwise have no gifts at the holidays and communities such as Murphy are a tremendous blessing." The mission of Collin County Children's Advocacy Center is to identify, protect and improve the lives of abused and neglected children in Collin County.