Monday, March 4, 2019

WSJ says the Boom is Over (this is not new news to us)


Local REALTORS have been saying it for months now; the market is even.  That means no more ever soaring prices.  Yes, Mr. Seller, that means you need to conservatively price your home to sell it.  To get an offer.  And the offer you get, you better not blow it off because it is too low.

And you non-Native Texans?  You can't low-ball Texans.  It is frowned upon.  Also, this isn't a low-ball market.  Not by a long shot.  Listen friends, it is a FLAT market, or perhaps you'd prefer "even?"  It's an even market: as much in the seller's favor as the buyer's
No overpricing.
No low-balling.



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